Dad 💓💓

He never looks for praises.
He's never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those, he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He's there...a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings.

He does not fight crime or wear a cape, he does not read minds or levitate but every time my world needs saving he is my superman some folks do not believe in heroes cause they have not met my dad.
In the morning I saw you telling momma how busy you are and have a lot of work that has to be completed but frankly speaking from your smile which you give to me I never thought. Just like a superhero I know you can handle everything if it is work, kids, wife, family, friends, or finances. You're the powerhouse of the family. Though you are busy but always take out time to spend time with us either a day or some hours.
I know you are always by my side. No place is higher than your shoulders. How much depressed or stressed I am I forgot everything when I am in your laps. I remembered once I questioned you what if I fail with a big smile you answered" No worries even I failed once now I am doing fine" I then smiled and hugged you perfectly knowing you are lying.
I know everything is not easy but I sure you can manage everything on time. You have given me thousands of gifts but the greatest gifts are that you believe in me and support me. You hold my hands for a short period of time but my heart forever. I know I will never stand alone, cause behind me the world's most moral support will be with me and that is your love.
Pop you are so many things to me a friend, financial support, my guardian, my listener, my superhero, a life mentor But....what I am most grateful for is that you are always my side. No one is able to make a female princess except her father. The years pass and no matter how old I get I'll always be your little girl. I know it is a tough job to handle a stubborn daughter, You have to fulfill all my demands. I know you never deny. A daughter will grown into a women and outgrow her toys but will always be her daddy's little girl.
-Gurnoor Kaur-
Beautifully written