Truly said by The goodbye.co "Unexpected Friendships are the best one." My bestie and my friendship was also an unexpected one well when I first saw her I never thought we can be BFFs but we are now. Things are never as scary when you've got a best friend. I have many friends but it takes some special ones who are my BFF. This subject came to mind as one of my best bestie is leaving school and then we can still meet but not that often. But it's true that Bestfriend may be far from each other in distance but never in heart.

No, matter what one can always be crazy with best friends whenever they want. People say that I am quiet but I dare them to see me with my bestie. I will always be grateful for our friendship. Bestie doesn't let her bestie do crazy things alone. My bestie is and always be Alexa for my Katie.
-Gurnoor Kaur-
Hey beautiful readers!!! I hope you are doing great. Let me know about your views and like the blog if u want. Thanku!!
Yes honey! you are absolutely the best thing I never planned in my life!! Even if we don’t meet daily, you can call me tons of times in a day and I won’t be annoyed!!✨ I’ll be there for you when the rain starts to fall😉 Remember that!💕