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Self Love is not Selfish 🦋

Self love is not selfish, and it never will be.

Many people think if you focus on yourself and you love yourself first, then you don’t love others, or you deprive of others the love that you could give to them. But this is one of the biggest misconceptions in life. Just because you care about yourself and you practice self love doesn’t mean that you are selfish.

You should never feel guilty about loving yourself because self love is the best love that can happen to you. And it is essential. Just think about it, how can you pour true love into others if you don’t get the love that you need within yourself first? When we don’t love ourselves we have more negative feelings and self-focused emotions. For example, we may feel:

  • Inadequate

  • Shame

  • Angry

  • Driven (to prove ourselves to others)

  • Lonely

  • Guilty

  • Rejected

  • Insecure

February is traditionally a month of celebrating the love of others- which is also great. But it should also be a the month of self love and self-care. So today, we will go through the most important reasons why self love is not selfish.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

We’re socialised to be competitive, so comparing ourselves to others is natural. But it can be dangerous. There’s just no point in comparing yourself to anyone else on the planet because there’s only one you. Rather, focus on yourself and your journey. The shift of energy, alone, will help you feel free.

2. Don’t worry about others’ opinions

In that same vein, don’t worry about what society thinks or expects of you. You can’t make everyone happy, so this is a waste of time and will only slow you down on your journey to being the best you.

3. Allow yourself to make mistakes

We’re told again and again from a young age “nobody’s perfect, everyone makes mistakes.” But the older you get, the more pressure you feel never to fail. Cut yourself some slack! Make mistakes so you can learn and grow from them. Embrace your past. You’re constantly changing and growing from who you once were into who you are today and who you will be one day. Make as many mistakes you want.

So, forget about that voice in your head that says you need to be perfect. Make mistakes — lots of them! The lessons you’ll gain are priceless.

4. Remember your value doesn’t lie in how your body looks

This is fundamental! So many things in the world want to distract you from this powerful truth. Sometimes even your own internalized sexism affirms your thoughts of inadequacy. You are valuable because you are you, not because of your body. Don't be afraid of your body shape or colour.

Wear what makes you feel good. Don't think what others will say

5.Put yourself first

Don’t feel bad about doing this. Women, especially, can grow accustomed to putting others first. Although there’s a time and a place for this, it shouldn’t’ be a habit that costs you your mental or emotional well-being.

Find the time to decompress. Without decompressing and recharging you can put serious strain on yourself. Whether it’s spending the day in bed or outdoors in nature, find what helps you decompress and dedicate time to this.

6. See beauty in the simple things

Try to notice at least one beautiful, small thing around you every single day. A single good thing can make your day. Make note of it, and be grateful for it. Gratitude not only gives you perspective, it’s essential to help you find joy.

7.Be kind to yourself

The world is full of harsh words — don’t add yours to the mix. Speak kindly to yourself, and don’t call yourself mean things. Celebrate yourself. You’ve come so far and grown so much.

Hey beautiful people!! I really enjoyed writing this blog for you all. I wrote this because we often forget to love 💕 ourselves. Let me know did you liked it.

-Gurnoor Kaur-

1 Comment

Prisha Gupta
Prisha Gupta
Feb 28, 2022

The content is beautifully weaved and stands true for life!✨ Keep it up!!✨


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